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    New Immigration Laws 2012

    On September 28, 2012 a new set of Regulations of the Immigration Laws of Mexico were officially published. The new laws themselves were published and discussed over a year ago, but were not put into effect and the details were not released. Now details have been explained and the regulations will be in effect soon, so now is the time to let everyone know what has changed.

    These new regulations will come into effect 30 working days from the date of publication (on November 9, 2012). The regulations regarding the General Law of Population on migratory control, verification and regulation will then be officially annulled, including the Manual on Criteria and Migratory Procedures of the National Institute of Migration through which the present visa designations of Non-Immigrant, Immigrant and Immigrated were defined. Anyone with a current visa (FM2 or FM3) can continue to use their current visa until the expiration date, at which point they will have to renew under one of the categories outlined below.

    Immigration visa into Mexico

    New Immigration Law Details

    The following are the most important new details of this new act:

    The Migratory status of “Non-Immigrant” (previously known as FM3), “Immigrant” (previously known as FM2) and Immigrated (Inmigrado) shall cease to exist and shall be replaced by visas that pertain to the ‘conditions of stay’. The new designations will be Visitor (Visitante), Temporary Resident (Residente Temporal) and Permanent Resident (Residente Permanente).

    The present visa cards or booklets designating FM2 or FM3 status will cease to be valid and will be replaced by Visitor, Temporary Resident and Permanent Resident cards.

    The newly published regulations establish the criteria, requirements and procedures for the following types of visas. We want to stress that the people at the immigration offices are getting trained as we write this article, so details about how these rules will be enacted and questions about discrepancies and changes are still unclear.

    Visitor Visa without Permission to Engage in Lucrative Activities (Visa de visitante sin permiso para realizar actividades remuneradas)

    This visa may be granted for up to ten years. The applicant may be granted this visa if they can demonstrate one or more of the following circumstances:

    • They have sufficient economic solvency
    • They are a frequent traveler to Mexico
    • They are a researcher, scientist, humanist, artist, athlete, prestigious journalist (national or international) or are another type of promiment person
    • They are the spouse, concubine or equivalent, child, parent or sibling of a Mexican or a temporary or permanent resident, but are not intending to reside in the country
    • They are the spouse, concubine or equivalent, child, parent or sibling of a diplomatic or consular official accredited in Mexico who are ordinary passport holders
    • Being a supervisor of a foreign company with a subsidiary in the country or executive staff of subsidiaries or sales offices of Mexican companies abroad.

    A non-Mexican who obtains this visa may request the issuance of the same for their spouse, concubine or equivalent and their children, if the children or adolescents are under their legal custody or if they are over-age but still in their legal custody. In this case, the applicant must prove the relationship and they must also prove that they have sufficient economic solvency to support those dependents, and that they are frequent travelers.

    This visa will be issued for those non-Mexicans interested in being in the country for no more than 180 days. The fee for this visa is $295 pesos.

    Visitor visa with permission to engage in lucrative activities (Visa de visitante con permiso para realizar actividades remuneradas)

    This visa will be issued for those non-Mexicans interested in doing business in Mexico for no more than 180 days. The individuals or legally-established corporations in the country who want to give a job to a non-Mexican may submit an application for a specific person to perform a specific job. They must provide the following information:

    • Proof of an employer registration record issued by the Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM)
    • The name and nationality of the non-Mexican
    • The position he or she will perform for the company
    • The amount of compensation for this position and this person
    • The duration of the job
    • The address of the workplace
    • Proof of ability to pay for his/her travel

    Working in MexicoImmigration authorities may conduct verification visits to the workplace to check the veracity of the job, the existence of the petitioner or any other information presented in the application. Upon approval, the visa issues will allow the person performing the job to engage in activities for pay and will be for the duration of the position as stated in the application.

    The fee for this visa is $2,350 pesos.

    Visitor Visa For Adoption (Visa de visitante para realizar trámites de adopción)

    The visitor visa for adoption procedures may be issued to non-Mexicans linked to an adoption process in Mexico. The applicant must provide proof of the existence or initiation of an international adoption procedure with the National System for Integral Family Development (DIF) in Mexico.

    The visitor visa for adoption purposes will be issued for only one hundred and eighty calendar days with a single entry. The non-Mexican must request this visa within the first thirty calendar days after his/her entry into Mexico. This visa will remain valid until the adoption has concluded and, where appropriate, the formalities of registration before the Civil Registry, such as issuing passports and other necessary arrangements to ensure that the child or adolescent will be admitted to the country of residence of the adopter, have been completed.

    The fee for this visa is $2,280 pesos.

    Temporary Resident Visa (Visa de residente temporal)

    The temporary resident visa is issued to a non-Mexican who declares his/her intention to remain in Mexico for a period exceeding one hundred and eighty days and up to four years. The applicant must demonstrate one of the following:

    • Sufficient economic resources to pay for accommodations and meals during their stay in Mexico
    • Participation in a scientific research project or sample collection in Mexico or the territorial waters of Mexico, after having obtained the appropriate authorizations from the appropriate national authorities (e.g., INAH, etc.)
    • Family relationship to a Mexican, temporary or permanent resident
    • An invitation from an organization or a public or private institution in Mexico to participate in any activity for which they will gain no income. The invitation should be on letterhead and indicate the activity that the applicant will be performing, the duration and the address of the workplace and the person or company accepting responsibility to pay for their travel and living expenses. Otherwise, the applicant must demonstrate sufficient economic solvency to cover his/her living expenses during his/her stay in the country
    • Ownership of real estate in Mexico with a value equivalent to the amount stipulated in the “General Administrative Provisions” which will be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has not yet been published in the Mexican Official Gazette
    • Ownership of investments in Mexico that consist of:
      • Capital stock in Mexican companies in accordance with laws and other legal provisions, with a value that exceeds the amount provided for in the “General Administrative Provisions” (to be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and published in the Mexican Official Gazette)
      • Movable or fixed assets used for commercial or business in accordance with laws and other legal provisions, whose value exceeds the amount provided for in the “General Administrative Provisions” (to be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and published in the Mexican Official Gazette)
      • Development of economic and business activities in the country in accordance with laws and other legal provisions that generate formal jobs in terms of the “General Administrative Provisions” (to be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and published in the Mexican Official Gazette)

    The temporary resident visa will be valid for one hundred and eighty calendar days with a single entry. The applicant must apply for the resident card within the first thirty calendar days after their entry into Mexico. After 4 years with the temporary resident visa, the applicant can apply for the permanent resident visa.

    The fee for this visa is:

    • Up to one year: $3,130 pesos
    • Up to 2 years: $4,690 pesos
    • Up to 3 years: $5,940 pesos
    • Up to 4 years: $7,040 pesos

    Temporary Student Resident Visa (Visa de residente temporal estudiante)

    This visa is issued to a non-Mexican who intends to enter into Mexico for courses, studies, research projects or training in educational institutions belonging to the Mexican national education system which will last for more than one hundred and eighty days. The temporary student resident visa is valid for one hundred eighty calendar days with a single entry. The applicant must apply for the resident card within the first thirty calendar days after his or her entry into Mexico.

    If the student wants to work while staying in Mexico, the fee will be $2,350 pesos. If the student does not work, there will be no charge for this visa.

    Permanent Resident Visa (Visa de residente permanente)

    This visa will be issued to a non-Mexican who intends to enter the country in order to reside indefinitely. The applicant must demonstrate one of the following situations:

    • Family relationship to a Mexican or permanent resident of Mexico
    • Retirement status, with sufficient monthly income to cover living expenses during their stay in Mexico. Currently, “sufficient monthly income” is 250 times the minimum salary in Mexico city for FM3 and 400 times the minimum salary for FM2. (The minimum daily salary at this writing is $62.33 pesos. That would make the minimums for visas $15,582.50 pesos and $24,932.00 pesos ($1215.35 USD and $1944.61 USD at $12.82 pesos to the USD).)
    • Meeting the categories and the minimum score required to enter through the Point System under the “General Administrative Provisions” (to be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and published in the Mexican Official Gazette)
    • That he or she has been granted political asylum by the Mexican government

    The permanent resident visa will be valid for one hundred and eighty calendar days with a single entry. The applicant must apply for their resident card within the first thirty calendar days after his or her entry into Mexico.

    The fee for this visa is $3,815 pesos.

    The Point System for Mexican Visas

    There are eight basic categories in the selection criteria of the new Point System for eligibility for Permanent Residency. It is Mexico’s hope that these criteria will attract foreign investors or people with high competency in areas such as science, technology, sports, arts and humanities or any other skills that strengthen and promote the development and competitiveness of Mexico.Waiting for visas at the INM Office in Merida Yucatan

    The selection criteria may include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Education level
    • Work experience in areas of interest to the country that have high demand and low supply
    • Work experience in other areas
    • Investor
    • Skills in science and technology
    • Acknowledgements and international awards
    • Spanish language proficiency
    • Knowledge of Mexican culture

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will issue the categories in the “General Administrative Provisions” which will be published in the Mexican Official Gazette. This will also include the weighting of points corresponding to each category, as well as the minimum score required to enter through this route.

    The Ministry will review the Point System every three years, and if necessary will publish in the Mexican Official Gazette any addendums, modifications or deletions of categories. They may also change the weighting of points corresponding to each category, as well as the minimum scores and any other information in the Point System.

    A non-Mexican who wishes to enter the country through the Point System must apply for visa at the consular office, attaching a completed pre-qualification form, accompanied by the documents proving that they meet the requirements of the category.

    The non-Mexican holder of a temporary resident visa or temporary work visa who wishes to remain in Mexico when their visa runs out may request a change to the status of permanent resident status via the Point System.

    Other Visa-Related Considerations

    A visitor visa application for adoption and temporary resident student can in no case be made directly to the Institute.

    Consular offices may issue a replacement temporary resident visa, the temporary student resident visa, permanent resident visa, visitor visa for adoption procedures and visitor visas without permission to engage in lucrative activity for humanitarian reasons to the non-Mexican holder of that visa. They may do so if the visa holder has had their visitor or resident card stolen, lost or destroyed. Non-Mexicans must process their replacement request within the first thirty calendar days after the loss of the card.

    The Immigration Institute (INM) shall establish in the General Administrative Provisions which will soon be published in the Mexican Official Gazette, the features, form and design of the cards, and other immigration documents.

    The card that certifies the status of temporary resident stay may be valid for one, two, three or four years, starting from when the non-Mexican was given that particular status.

    When the temporary resident obtains a work permit, the card certifying their status will have validity for as long as the job lasts.

    The holder of the temporary resident card may, within thirty calendar days prior to its expiration date, request the visa’s renewal for up to a total of four years.

    Children of foreign nationality under the age of three can only obtain a resident card with a validity of one year, until they are three years old.

    The card certifying the status of temporary resident will give the holder the right to make multiple entries and exits from the country.

    The permanent resident card will be valid for an indefinite term, but Non-Mexicans who are minors and older than three will have to renew their permanent resident card every four years until they are of legal age.

    The card certifying the status of permanent resident will give the holder the right to make multiple entries and exits of the country and to maintain a work permit once they are of legal age.

    A non-Mexican who is outside the country when their visa status expires, may enter the country with it up to fifty-five calendar days from its expiration. Within fifty-five calendar days, no penalty will be applied and the application for renewal must be submitted within five working days after admission into Mexico. Entry into Mexico will not be allowed for non-Mexicans holding a document that is more than fifty-five calendar days past its date of expiration.

    Non-Mexicans in the possession of a temporary student resident card can obtain a work permit if they are doing postgraduate or advanced classes, or research.

    The owners of a visa as visitors for humanitarian activities and permanent residents have an implicit work permit.

    Temporary and permanent residents must notify the INM, within ninety calendar days following the occurrence, of any changes in marital status, nationality, residence or workplace.

    Any visa applications that are pending on the date that these regulations go into effect shall be completed in accordance with the provisions in force at the time of the start of the application.

    The immigration documents proving regular migration status of Non-Mexicans, which have been issued before these regulations go into effect, shall continue to have legal effect until their expiration. The one exception is the Non-immigrant Local Guest, whose visa must be replaced in accordance with the General Administrative Provisions issued by the INM that will be published in the Mexican Official Gazette.

    New Rules

    As you can see if you read all of the above, the rules for immigration into Mexico have changed fairly substantially and we believe it will take some time for the rules and the way they are applied to be ironed out. As of this writing (October 15, 2012), our contacts inside the INM have informed us that they are in training to understand how to implement and apply these new rules. There will be new forms, new computer procedures and new documents. We encourage you all to be patient.

    Of course, if you need assistance with your new visa or a visa renewal, the project managers at Yucatan Expatriate Services are ready to assist you. Just write us at info@yucatanyes.com or call us at the number at the bottom of the website.

    As always, your comments and questions are welcome!

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    New Immigration Information


    1. Joshua
      October 15, 2012

      My fiance and i plan on living there after we are married. Does that count as family relationship to a mexican? Oh, and she is a resident by the way.

    2. John Rutledge
      October 15, 2012

      There does not seem to be a clear path for Mexican citizenship like the FM2. The permanent resident visa
      does not state anything to the effect that one can become a citizen after 5 years. Was that just omitted from the report? What is the path now?

    3. Roger Dekeyzer
      October 15, 2012

      My girlfriend and I would like to move to Playa and open a business. The nature of this business is simple…the rental of a product/products. We have learned about incorporation requirements and temporary residence requirements. A component we are still trying to determine, is the taxation of that business. We would be the ones entirely operating it (no employees needed) with an expected net income of 36,000 pesos monthly to 100,000 pesos (if business goes very well). Would we be taxed as a business at the 30% rate, or as individuals at another rate? Does vat tax come into play for us? If a retail component was added to this business…would it create any changes to taxation?

    4. Sombrero
      October 15, 2012

      How does the new “permanent resident” visa currently affect those with foreign plated cars? Sounds the same as the current FM2 Inmigrado (no foreign plated vehicle permitted).

    5. marie-line
      October 16, 2012

      site en français, espagnol ?????

    6. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      October 16, 2012

      Este sitio no esta en otra idioma ahorita. Disculpe!

    7. October 16, 2012

      Joshua, if she is not a Mexican but she is a current FM3 or FM2 or Inmigrado card holder, that means that you will be married to a temporary or permanent resident, and yes that counts as family realtionship under the new rules.

    8. October 16, 2012

      John, you are right, the regulations do not state how many years are necessary now after being a temporary resident card holder to become a Mexican citizen. This is something regulated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and they have not stated which will be their policy regarding the changes in the Immigration Law. We will update our article as soon as we know anything about it.

    9. October 16, 2012

      Roger, please send an e-mail with your questions to one of our affiliated companies that provide accounting and taxation services, they will be able to provide you with accurate information: https://www.yucatanexpatriateservices.com/affiliates.

    10. October 16, 2012

      Sombrero, if the rules regarding foreign plated cars do not change, the permanent residents will not be able to have them in Mexico (permanent resident will be the current inmigrado).

    11. October 16, 2012

      I’ve added a link to this article from the similar article on my website at the other end of Mexico: http://www.sanfelipelife.com/post/Mexico-s-New-Migration-Law

      Couple of points about your article, you say “The permanent resident visa will be valid for one hundred and eighty calendar days with a single entry.”. Was that repeated by mistake from the visitor visa section? I can’t see why a permanent (or 4 year temporary) visa would have a 180 limit.

      Unless I missed it, you don’t mention the other way to get a permanent resident visa: have had a temporary visa (which likely includes FM2, maybe FM3) for 4 years. It appears to be an automatic path, not involving the points system.

      Anyway, great to see another article on the new laws, you cover some areas (students etc) that my article did not.

    12. Alan
      October 17, 2012

      What happened to the inmigrado status, up until now a status one could request after 4 years of qualifying for an FM2 (and paying for at a higher rate than an FM3), and which has not needed annual, expensive renewals?
      I have no interest in the citizenship option, but have been in the FM2 category aiming at a future inmigrado application.

    13. Ayata
      October 17, 2012

      Thank you for this update. One question – if one is just visiting for up to 180 days, is that included under the category of “VISTOR VISA WITHOUT PERMISSION TO ENGAGE IN LUCRATIVE ACTIVITIES”? I did not see any other info in this article about just visiting once. Also – you state that the “VIsitor Visa without ….. ” may be granted for up to 10 years, then say – “for no more than 180 days”. Could you please clarify this, thank you so much, Ayata

    14. Jim
      October 17, 2012

      I am the owner of a mexican corporation and have been living in Mexico for almost 5 years. I am assuming I will apply for a permanent resident’s visa but under what situation?

    15. October 17, 2012

      I’ve had an FM3 since 2007 (in various forms). It looks like the new FM3 is the Temporary resident. You said that it is only good for 180 days? That can’t be right. So is the “new FM3” good for 180 days, 1 year, or 4 years? How often does the “new FM3” need to be renewed? Can I continue to have a foreign plated car with the “new FM3”?

    16. October 17, 2012

      Alan, the permanent resident visa is the current inmigrado status, which was granted after 5 years with FM2. Now, after 4 years with temporary resident visa you could apply for permanent resident visa.

    17. October 17, 2012

      Jim, categories under each visa (temporary and permanent) have not been published yet; we will know soon.

    18. October 17, 2012

      Katie, yes the FM3 will be the temporary resident visa (as well as the FM2). In the regulations it says is good for 180 days with a single entry until you exchange it for the definitive one within the next 30 days after entering Mexico; we are assuming this is for first time applications, not your case. The temporary resident visa will be good for 1 year up to 4. Laws on foreing plated cars have not changed to this date, if they do, we will be letting you know.

    19. October 17, 2012

      Thank you! I will continue to follow this thread for updates. I appreciate your help!

    20. October 17, 2012

      Rob, it caught our attention too, but that is what the regulations say: “The permanent resident visa will be valid for one hundred and eighty calendar days with a single entry. The applicant must apply for their resident card within the first thirty calendar days after his or her entry into Mexico”. You can verify it, it is written in the article 109 in its last paragraph.
      About your other comment, you are right, we did not mention it but we will update it: after 4 years with the temporary resident visa you can apply for the permanent resident visa. Thank you for your comments!

    21. October 17, 2012

      Ayata, thank you for your question… it is one that many of us have. We have written this based on the published regulations, and there are many things like this that are not yet fully explained. In the next few weeks, the employees at the immigration office (INM) are being trained in the new regulations, and before they go into effect, an explanation of the rules with additional details will also be published. We will be able to read those details and understand them better after our contacts in INM have been trained and after the additional publication is out. Until then, we share these questions with you! Stay tuned to this website, because as soon as we understand the issues further, we will publish a clarifying article.

    22. October 17, 2012

      Adriana, the 180 days mentioned in article 109 seems to be the length of time the visa (pre-approval) is valid for (when issued outside the country). So somebody with that visa then has to enter Mexico within 180 days of it being issued, and then within 30 days of that entry they need to apply for it to be changed to the card (permit). The card (once issued, within Mexico) doesn’t have length of stay restrictions.

    23. October 17, 2012

      Rob, that is our interpretation too. However, we wanted to write an article that was not based on what we think the new regulations will be, but based on facts. Until we have the information coming from Immigration officers directly that tells us how this paragraph (and others) will be applied, we decided to bring you a summary of what the regulations actually say. We´ll be updating the article and our guide with information directly from the source as soon as they know how these changes are going to work. Thank you!

    24. October 17, 2012

      I guess that means the income requirements for Permanent Resident Visa are still undecided. The previous levels (different as they are) of FM2/FM3 don’t apply

    25. Benny Fine
      October 18, 2012

      My understanding is the INM fees in pesos for temporary resident (former FM-3) are;

      $3,130 for a single year
      $4,690 for two years
      $5,940 for three years
      $7,040 for four years

      Does anyone know the INM fees for permanent resident?

    26. October 18, 2012

      Benny, the fees for the permanent resident will be 3,815 pesos.

    27. Benny Fine
      October 18, 2012

      Adriana, thanks for your reply.

      I assume the 3,815 pesos is a one time payment without any further to do with INM.

      Permanent residency appears to be a better renewal option for those who have been a temporary resident for 4 or more years.

      Some people have posted messages saying a permanent resident (former FM-2) could not legally drive a foreign plated car in Mexico. My understanding is this DOES NOT APPLY to permanent residents (former FM-3) who live in Mexico on foreign pension income. It only applies to individuals who are not in this category ie: students, workers etc.

      Anyone have opposing or supporting views.

    28. Benny Fine
      October 18, 2012


      My understanding is this DOES NOT APPLY to permanent residents (former FM-2) who live in Mexico on foreign pension income

    29. October 18, 2012

      I’m just finishing up my 6th year so my visa (no inmigrante) says Prorroga 1. Wonder if they they will honor my six years or will I have to wait 4 more to apply for permanente

    30. October 18, 2012

      Sparks, you are right, income requirements for permanent residents have not been published yet; if your current visa of No Inmigrante says Prorroga 1, when you renew you´ll be a temporary resident starting 3rd year with it; at least that is what we can interpret so far from the regulations.

    31. October 18, 2012

      Benny, yes, it looks as if it is going to be a one time payment. Permanent resident is not the former FM2, permanent resident is the former “Inmigrado” and currently “Inmigrado” cannot have a foreign plated vehicle in Mexico.

    32. October 19, 2012

      I would love to know how the new regs will effect the temporary importation of US vehicles. I currently have a car and motorcycle. I hope they provide atransition path for them too.

    33. Annie D
      October 19, 2012

      How many days are year are we allowed to be out for?

    34. Rosie
      October 19, 2012

      Does anyone know if the familial relationship visa will still require proof of economic solvency? My husband is Mexican and we are living in the US with our 2 children. Our son was born in Mexico and is a dual citizen, and our daughter was born in the US, but we plan on registering her birth with the Mexican consulate and getting her a Mex passport). We are planning to move to Mexico together in January, but I’m concerned about satisfying this requirement (or, more so that we won’t be able to *prove* that we’ll satisfy the requirement).

    35. Tina
      October 21, 2012

      My unmarried partner and I own a home in Mexico and we drove here at the end of August to live here indefinitely on US retirement income. Currently we have only FMM’s but will both be applying for FM3. 1)Should we apply now, while the old rules are still in place, since it has been over 30 days since we entered the country?
      2) Are the income requirements lower for persons who own a house in Mexico?
      3) How are unmarried partners who own a house together considered in regard to income requirement for temporary resident visa (former FM3?)
      Thank you so much.

    36. October 21, 2012

      Rick, no changes have been published yet, but we´ll keep track and will publish something regarding them as soon as there are news.

    37. October 21, 2012

      Annie, article 156 of the new regulations states that the holders of the temporary resident visa can travel freely in and out of Mexico, no limits are put. Article 157 states that the holders of the permanent resident visa can also travel freely in and out of Mexico.

    38. October 21, 2012

      Rosie, yes it will still be required to prove sufficient economic solvency in order to provide family members with a Mexican visa. It does not say, though, how much is considered sufficient. Currently for FM3´s is approximately 600 USD for each family member and for FM2´s is 900 USD. We´ll have to wait and see how much it´ll be now that FM3´s and FM2´s will merge into the temporary resident visa.

    39. October 21, 2012

      Tina, with the current rules, if you want to apply as economic dependant of your partner you need to show your marriage certificate and he has to prove he has at least 1,800 USD monthly income (to support him and you). New rules say that not only married couples will be able to get the familiar visa, also unmarried couples, however it doesn´t say how much income it is necessary to prove yet. Answering your 2nd question, under the current rules if you prove you own property in Mexico, you can show less monthly income, although the new rules do not mention it. The FMM visa gives you 6 months to be in Mexico, so you still have approximately 4 months to be here. If you were to apply now, since you are not married you would have to do it independently showing income of 1,200 USD monthly each; if both of you own a property, then that income can be reduced to 600 USD each.

    40. October 22, 2012

      I’ve been reading some conflicting info regards where you can apply for a visa. Some sites are suggesting it will have to be done in your home country. Is this correct, or will we still be able to convert a tourist visa into a resident visa inside Mexico? If not, do we have to get the visa in our home country or can we do it in any country outside Mexico? And when is the cut off coming for converting Tourist visas into Resident visas inside Mexico?


    41. Alan
      October 22, 2012

      Regarding queries on temporary (vehicle) import permits: INM has nothing to do with the determination of import rules, which comes under Hacienda (Treasury), its Aduana (Customs) side. The new INM regs have yet to be implemented, let alone any possible to-be-announced Aduana change in policy!

    42. October 22, 2012

      Gary, we think we´d have to wait until the rules are implemented on Nov. 12th so we can ask these types of questions to Immigration officers, since as you say, the regulations say you should get the visa in your home country which will be good for 180 days and then you should come to Mexico to get the final visa.

    43. October 22, 2012

      Is there anything in the regulations or law which says a visa must be applied for in a “home country” (country of nationality or residence), rather than any embassy or consulate “outside Mexico”? I wasn’t able to spot anything.

      So, for example, could somebody from Europe apply at (for example) the San Diego Mexican Consulate while a visitor in the US? Although they should probably expect closer investigation, being an unusual case!

    44. Carol
      October 23, 2012


      I am going to be self employed and in Mexico for less than 180 days. It looks like the Lucrarive Visitor visa valid for 180 days is what I need. Since Mexican tax laws have a person exempt from paying taxes if they are in the country less than 180 days, will I still need to register a business with the Federal Tax Office? Also, if I land on a non-Lucrative Visitor visa, will I be able to change it to lucrative without leaving Mexico? My understanding is that as long as I stay in the Visitor category of visa,
      I will not have to change it outside the country, but it still seems unclear…

    45. October 24, 2012

      Rob, we weren´t able to spot anything about it either. However, based on our experience, we don´t think so. Current rules state you should apply in the consulate of your home country (or the country of residence) and unless the laws state something different, it should continue being like this.

    46. October 24, 2012

      Carol, yes a visitor visa for lucrative activities should be the one for you. Mexican tax laws have not stated yet their policies about this new type of visa, so we don´t know if they will ask you to get a tax ID or not. If you get a non-lucrative visitor visa and you want to change it for a lucrative one without leaving the country, the regulations do not specify if this is possible or not. Sorry for not being able to provide you with more information, but until the “Manual de Criterios” is published there is still a lot of questions yet to be answered.

    47. October 28, 2012

      I am interested in the Retired Permanente Visa category. Is the documentation presented in full at the US consulate or is the passport just stamped there to indicate that this sort of visa will be completed once in Mexico? Do you know when the Consulates will be ready to process this paperwork in the home country? Thanks!

    48. John
      November 1, 2012

      Jalisco and Guanajuato state are both implementing the new immigration laws November 9th.

    49. Jacque
      November 4, 2012

      We have had our FM3s for 5 years. In November (by the 24th) we will apply for our 4th FM2. Our goal is to become citizens, primarily to own our land close to the beach. With the new laws, what is the next step we should take to accomplish our goal of citizenship as soon as possible?

    50. November 6, 2012

      Jo Ana, we think we´d have to wait until the rules are implemented on Nov. 9th so we can ask these types of questions to Immigration officers, the regulations say you should get the visa in your home country which will be good for 180 days and then you should come to Mexico to get the final visa. We don´t know yet when the Consulates will be ready to process this paperwork.

    51. November 6, 2012

      John, yes we also have been notiifed that Yucatan will implement the rules also on Nov 9th, thanks for the information on Jalisco and Guanajuato.

    52. John
      November 7, 2012

      In speaking with Immigration staff today in San Miguel, it appears to get a Permanent Resident status and married to a Mexican one has to show a FM-2 with family status for 2 years. After we married I never changed my FM-2 to “family” and that is all they will accept regardless of time married. My FM-3 expires Nov 13. I wonder what income I have to prove when married to a Mexican? And is it her income or mine?

    53. Roger Dekeyzer
      November 7, 2012

      I’m hoping to obtain some clarification on the new “temporary resident visa”, specificly what are sufficient economic resourses?
      My partner and I have an idea for a business in Playa. Our resources are such that we can stay in Playa for a year with existing savings. To sustain ourselves further, the business would need to generate suficient income. If if doesn’t we would need to abandon our efforts and return to the U.S.. With in an initial 6 month period, it would either work or not.
      Economic investment.
      The nature of the business is a small one, with no requirement of employing anyone else, unless it was so lucrative that we could establish an additional location.
      Does this qualify?

    54. Robert
      November 8, 2012

      Any idea when QRoo will implement the new rules ??

    55. eva
      November 9, 2012

      Today , November 09, I already read very scary post about much higher financial requirements for FM3,
      or equivalent if the name changed .
      We unmarried couple) would be not able meet this requirements . We had our last FM3 granted in July this year, and it was our third one .
      My question is , are those requirements valid for first timers only, or it is going to change for everybody,
      regardless for how long they stay in Mexico .

      thank you for the answer if known

    56. mark donahue
      November 10, 2012

      what are the requirements and documents needed for people you have fm3´s and fm2´s when they renew under the new immigrations law that took effect on nov. 09 th ?

    57. viktoria
      November 16, 2012

      Today being Nov 16, the rules should be in place. And to summarize, this is what I understand.
      The former FM3 (non inmigrante visa) has been replaced by the new ‘visa de Residente Temporal’ which will be issued upto 4 years including the 180 day entry visa. The former FM3 can be used until its expiration date even if that might be next year..
      To obtain the new ‘visa de residente temporal’ you will have to demonstrate a monthly income of US$1950 (this was previously US$1450). In addition you have to show ownership of real estate in Mexico of min. US$185,000. The fee for this 4 year visa is Pesos 7,040. After the 4 years the whole process starts all over unless you apply for the permanent visa. I would be very grateful if you could confirm this or correct me where I am wrong. Muchisimas gracias. Saludos

    58. sabrina
      November 17, 2012

      If i travel from calif to yucatan to stay under 180 days. Can i drive my car with calif plates.?

    59. Maribeth
      November 22, 2012

      If you own property in Mexico, but only spend 3-4 months annually a year in Mexico. can we do the visitor visa ? Can we just let our FM3 expire and than do the visitor visa when we arrive next

    60. November 22, 2012

      John, in regards to what to prove when you are married to a Mexican if you can´t apply to get a Permanent Resident what you have to prove is that same conditions as last year are still valid. With the new Immigration Law you should get a temporary resident card.

    61. November 22, 2012

      Jacque, your next step will be to apply for Temporary Resident Card.

    62. November 22, 2012

      Roger, for a temporary resident visa you will have to prove aproximate $ 2,000 usd as net income average from pension on the last six months. Economic investment is aproximate $ 100,000 usd dollars in stock in a mexican company or have a business that generates at least 5 works.

    63. November 22, 2012

      Robert, the new Law, its regulations and guidelines for visas and immigration procedures are being implemented since Nov 9th, 2012 in all states in Mexico.

    64. November 22, 2012

      Eva, the amounts to prove for applying a temporary residence card have certainly increased, however as you are already a fm3 holder when you go to renew your card you should get your residence card and have to prove that same conditions are still valid as when you apply in the past. The good thing is that you have to apply next year and that will give enough time for immigration officers to get to know the new rules and guidelines.

    65. November 22, 2012

      Mark, for a renewal procedure basically what you have to prove is that same conditions are still valid as when you got your FM2 or FM3.

    66. Betty
      November 22, 2012

      Viktoria, it is correct that the former FM3 has become a Temporary Residence visa, if you have one you should renew it 30 days before it expires because now is still valid, however and entering Mexico you should mark on the FMM the new name of the visa: Residente Temporal. For FM3 or FM2 holders the renewal procedure states that you have to prove the same conditions are still valid as when you apply in the past. Regarding the amounts for a new Temporary Resident Card you will have to prove aproximate $ 2,000 usd as net income from pension on the last six months OR have property in Mexico for aproximate $ 200,000 usd. The fee for 4 years is $7,040 pesos, however you have to count how many years you have had your FM3 before paying that amount because apparently they will take those years on consideration. And once you have had a temporary residence card for 4 years there is not a new start the next step is permanent resident.

    67. November 22, 2012

      Sabrina, yes you can drive your car with california plates under a 180 days stay.

    68. Nicole
      November 25, 2012

      I see no reference to the alternative for meeting the financial requirements for a Temporary Resident Visa (for retired persons): Let’s say you have millions of dollars in US investments, such as stocks, bonds, funds, etc.), no pension or “regular source of income” (other than withdrawals from the millions of dollars worth of investments) and NO Mexican investments. Can’t you satisfy the Visa requirements by showing the US investments? If so, how much must the investments be worth? Thanks.

    69. Lopo
      November 27, 2012

      I had to return to the States for a few months this year and did not renew my No Inmigrante Visitante before the expiration period or the 60 day late period. Now I have to apply under the new rules, I know. But I don’t understand what the requirements are for me now. My husband has a valid No Inmigrante Visitante, but I don’t see anything in the new rules for requirements for a spouse. Our assets and income are joint. What financial documents will I need both for the Orlando consulate when I am able to reach them, and then for INM in Merida?

    70. December 4, 2012

      Maribeth, you can be in the country for 3-4 months anually with a visitor visa. However, you should be aware that if you let your FM3 expires and you then change your mind and want to have it again, you will have to process it on the nearest mexican consulate and also maybe it´s convenient for you to keep the FM3 if you have had it for more than 3 or 4 years. Please email us at info@yucatanyes.com for more information on this.

    71. December 4, 2012

      Nicole, for Temporary Residence you can prove the financial requirementes with investment or bank accounts in US for the equivalent to 20,000 minimum salaries (1,246,600 pesos or aproximate 100,000 usd) as monthly average on the last twelve months.

    72. December 4, 2012

      Lopo, as your No Immigrante Visitante card is expired you have to apply at the Mexican consulate for a temporary residence and prove the following: investment or bank accounts that are the equivalent to 20,000 minimum salaries ($1,246,600 pesos or approximately $100,000 USD) as a monthly average for the previous twelve months or income from employment or pensions that is the equivalent to 400 minimum salaries ($24,932 pesos or approximately $2,000 USD) as net income average for the previous six months. If your assets and income are joint, they need to be sufficient for you and your husband to use half in order to qualify. We suggest that if he wants to keep his card, he should start the renewal process 30 days before the expiration date or before it expires. If you need more information please email us at info@yucatanyes.com

    73. Chad
      December 4, 2012

      I can easily prove sufficient income for the past year, but not from a pension. I will not be retired, but rather work electronically and continue to receive funds from the U.S. Since this is not a retirement situation, do you forsee an issue with receiving residencia temporal? Thanks so much!

    74. December 4, 2012

      Chad, for residencia temporal you should prove one of the following: a) in investment or bank accounts, the equivalent to 20,000 minimum salaries ($1,246,600 pesos or approximately $100,000 USD) as monthly average for the previous twelve months or b) income from employment or pensions equivalent to 400 minimum salaries ($24,932 pesos or approximately $2,000 USD). This must be net income, averaged for the previous six months or c) have property in Mexico worth approximately $200,000 USD or d) have an economic investment of approximately $100,000 USD in stock in a Mexican company or have a business that generates at least 5 jobs.

    75. Ashley
      December 13, 2012

      Hi, I’m a US citizen, married to a Mexican, working in Mexico and in the process of doing my tramites to become a permanent resident. I will be going to the states in January and will possibly be driving back in a 2007 model car. Since my status will be permanent resident, can I bring the car in? Do I just pay the $400 at the border and get a 180 day temporary pass? Am I eligible for that or since my status is changing, do I need to pay to import the car? Thanks for any info/avice you can give me 🙂

    76. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      December 14, 2012

      Ashley, customs authorities informed us that permanent resident visa holders won´t be able to import vehicles temporarily; only FMM, visitors and temporary resident visa holders will be able to do so.

    77. John
      January 7, 2013

      Hi. I have had over $2000 income in rents for at least a year now, would that be taken into account for a temporary or permanent resident visa ?

    78. January 8, 2013

      John, it will be taken into account for a temporary resident visa.

    79. Bob Atkinson
      January 9, 2013


      We’re looking to get a 4-year Resident’s visa to live in Mexico. I work from my hom office across the internet and can work anywhere with a reasonable net connection.

      I do not have a pension but have a comfortable and ongoing income from this internet-based work. What can I use as proof of income when applying for a resident permit?


    80. January 9, 2013

      Bob, for the temporary resident visa you can apply for 1, 2, 3 or 4 years, the number of years you are granted with it is under the criteria of Immigration officers after submitting your documents. For the temporary resident visa they are requesting the last 6 bank account statements showing income of at least 2,000 USD in each or the last 12 investment or savings accounts showing a minimum average of 100,000 USD in each.

    81. Alan
      January 10, 2013

      Just a small but significant correction to Adriana’s last 1/9 update. Her last sentence should end, ” or the last 12 investment and/or savings accounts showing a total minimum annual average of 100,000 USD.”
      Hey, but, Bob Atkinson, if you should have more than one account with a minimum annual average of USD 100K, lucky you!

    82. Frank
      January 11, 2013

      My adopted daughter and I have been living in Mexico with FM3s for going on 3 years. Her biological father (my life partner and legal domestic partner in the state of Oregon, USA) is retiring in April 2013 and wants to join us. It appears that his pension may not meet the new monthly income requirements. We have read here that Mexican law does not recognize same-sex marriages outside of DF, but on p. 27 (Proyecto revisado SEGOB/SRE, Version: 29/10/2012 ver 18.28)under “Unidad Familiar” the new law states, “acta de matrimonio o constancia de concubinato o figura emitida por autoridad competente de conformidad con la legislacion aplicable del pais del que es originario el solisitante”. Our native state of Oregon legally recognizes domestic partnerships between same-sex couples. I have seen nothing in the new Mexican immigration law that excludes same sex couples. Who is interpreting the law in the Yucatan to exclude same-sex couples?

    83. Roger Dekeyzer
      January 11, 2013

      Hello, We are looking to go to Mexico, start a small business. I understand that you have to get a corporation started first via a notario…..and we meet the monthly income requirements…collectively….I’m salaried with almost double the $2000 per month, but my girlfriend has been working for tips…..can we still do this?
      I’ve also heard that if you have a corporation started…you can forgo the income requirements….?

    84. January 14, 2013

      Frank, at the Immigration Institute in Merida we´ve been told in the past, several times, they did not recognize marriage certificates of same-sex couples; however we have heard they are doing it now, with the new rules.

    85. January 14, 2013

      Roger, if you have a corporation started you don´t have to show bank statements. With your salary of almost double the 2,000 USD monthly you could get a temporary or permanent resident visa; your girlfriend however will have to prove also she has at least 2,000 USD monthly income to get one of these visas, unless she marries you and that way she´d get the visa as your economic dependant or if you can prove that you live together.

    86. vincent reagan onwubiko
      January 14, 2013

      am living in mexico for the past two years,my daughter is mexican born here.i am fm3 holder.now there is nothing like fm3 or fm2 what is my status.what do i need.

    87. January 15, 2013

      Vincent, you can either choose to renew as a temporary resident or you can apply for permanent residency because you have a Mexican daughter.

    88. alice averett
      January 16, 2013

      We have had FM3 for 4 years and want to get inmigrado permanent resident status. I just filled out the forms online but do not kow the FEE.??
      Also, are there any restrictions about length of time that I can be gone from Mexico???
      We had a car attached to our FM3, will it carry over to our inmigrado status???

    89. Pat Farrell
      January 17, 2013

      Great blog…appreciate all the great info! However I’m still unclear regards applying for a temporary residence visa (1 to 4 years).
      1 – Must this be done in home country (US in my case) prior to coming to Mexico or can it be done in Mexico while on a tourist visa?
      2 – What docs are required for the application?
      3 – I am likely to continue to work outside Mexico for 2 to 3 years (traveling at least 2 times per month) and thus would expect to just travel on a tourist visa. However my my wife would want to stay and apply for the temporary resident visa. We have an Australian bank account in both our names with greater than $100K deposited for for more than 1 year. Would this joint account be adequate for her to meet the financial requirements? For a 4 year visa?
      Thanks for any & all info you can provide.

    90. January 21, 2013

      Alice, sorry but we are not familiar with the term “FEE”; could it be you are referring to the “NUE”? There is no restriction about the amount of time you spend out of Mexico. About your car, customs and Banjercito are saying that if you change to permanent resident status you either have to nationalize your foreign plated vehicle or take it out of Mexico. If you need further information, please contact me at adriana@yucatanyes.com

    91. January 21, 2013

      Pat, thank you, we´re happy you enjoy our website. Regarding your questions: 1) you have to do it in your home country; 2) among others: your passport and 6 last bank statements showing income of at least 2,000 USD in each (also, the Mexican consulate you apply in, can ask for other documents they may consider relevant); 3) the number of years the applicant is granted the visa with, depends on Immigration´s criteria. If you need further information contact me at adriana@yucatanyes.com

    92. January 21, 2013

      Hello, My name is Erwin Beug and my partners name is Iona Chamberlin. We moved to the Yucatan in the year 2000 and have held FM3’s every year since. We have a corporation called Hacienda Holidays. We own a Hacienda that we run as a small hotel as well as a house in el centro and some land near Uxmal. I have for the past eleven years applied for our FM3’s on my own. I would like to apply for a Permanent Resident Visa but am not sure if me and my partner qualify. I do not understand if property value is the market value of the property or the Catastral value. We have no pensions, still to young. We have other income but is not regular. I am interested in some help on renewing our visa’s am would be interested in your knowledge and costs of assistance. Have a Great Day, Erwin.

    93. January 21, 2013

      Erwin, new Immigration rules state that if you have had at least 4 years with FM3 and/or FM2 when it´s time for your renewal you should apply for the permanent residency, without having to show income. This rule applies as long as those 4 years have had continuity and you have not let your visa expire. We can assist you with the change of visa process, for costs and to set up an appointment please contact me at adriana@yucatanyes.com

    94. Nicole
      January 21, 2013

      I realize that you are in the Yukatan, far from my area, but I’m desperate: I want to apply for a temporary residency visa. I will have to travel to (and spend the night in) the US (San Diego for me) to do so. I have searched every where to see EXACTLY what will be required from me. E.g., some US Consulates have required a letter from the police department in the applicant’s area attesting to their clean record. Some may require 4-5 copies of all documents. Some may require (I don’t know) translations of English financial documents into Spanish. I have sent multiple e-messages to the S.D. Consultate, left voice mails, looked at web sites of various Mexican Consulate offices in the US (some, such as WA, used to have the info on their page), and have neither received nor found any answers. Have you any idea of where I can get this information?

    95. Clay Samis
      January 22, 2013

      My wife and I are retired and come to Yucatan each winter for 4-5 months. We rent a house on the beach. Last year I bought a Mexican car and registered it here. I leave the car parked with our landlord when we are not here. I got an FM3 in order to register the car. Do I still need a temporary resident card to keep the car registered here? I plan to continue the current situation of 4-5 winter months here in rented accomodation.

    96. Roger Surkan
      January 27, 2013

      Currently have No Inmigrabnte, Rentista-No Lucrativa, Visitante, that will expire March 5, 2013. If I apply but Temporary Resident card doesn’t issue before I leave for home, do I need to take my foreign registered vehicle back with me? Penalty to leave vehicle here if my current card expires? As I spend less than 180 days here, will the new Visitor Card (if I apply for that instead) permit me to leave my vehicle in Mexico? Thanks

    97. January 28, 2013

      Nicole, although we´d like to help you, as you correctly put it, it depends on each Consulate the documents they require for the visa application. Here in Merida you´d have to take your passport, your last 6 bank account statements in your name showing income in each of at least 2,000 USD or your last 12 investment statements showing an average in each of at least 100,000 USD (copies, not originals, no translation or legalization is necessary), an online form, a letter in Spanish requesting the visa, pay the inital fees of 1000 pesos and 3 pictures; but we cannot guarantee these documents are the only ones the officers at the Consulate in San Diego will request to you. We have this phone number of the Consulate in San Diego, in case you want to try calling: 619 231 8414 and e-mail: info@consulmexsd.org

    98. January 28, 2013

      Clay, the registration you did on the car will be valid until December 31st 2014, in 2015 you´ll have to renew the registration and for that you will need the temporary resident visa.

    99. Lopo
      January 28, 2013

      Nicole, I went to the consulate in Orlando so what I experienced might not apply in San Diego, but I was told that she would be able to do mine very quickly because I had such a complete package, and here is what I showed her: my passport with a copy of the main page, my expired Inmigrante Visitante plus a copy, a certified letter from the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement (certifying, of course, that I have no criminal record), and 12 months’ worth of bank statements showing more than $2,000/month income regularly., as well as a letter from my bank attesting to that, a copy of last year’s bill for my fideicomiso and a cy of my CFE bill, and a cover letter in Spanish telling her that I am requesting Residencia Temporal status. I also had a copy of my marriage certificate with a Florida apostle, but since I was plying on my own account with my own income verification, I don’t think that was necessary, but since I had it, I threw it in. The fee for my entry visa, good for one entry within 180 days, was $36.00 USD.
      Go with as much similar documentation,and inorder to get an appt., try sending an email written in Spanish to the visa section of the consulate explaining what you will be applying for.

    100. Lopo
      January 28, 2013

      Adriana, I offered the information to Nicole since I had recently had such a good experience at the Orlando consulate,a nd should have mentioned that the website for the Orlando consulate has their basic requirements listed in their Visas section,and in both Spanish and English. I would include the link, but haven’t figured out how to do it on my iPad yet..

    101. Lopo
      January 28, 2013

      Oh! After reading Adriana’s reply, I see that I forgot to mention the photo. They only needed one, but had very specific requirements for the size, neither the tiny size required by INM in Merida nor the regular US passport size.
      I found the description of ten photo type/size on the Orlando consulate’s website.

    102. Roger Surkan
      January 30, 2013

      If I let my FM3 expire March 5/13, am I able to leave my foreign-registered vehicle (Canadian) in Mexico and return to Canada by air on March 13 and return to Mexico next year with the typical Tourist Visa you get upon arrival at airport and then drive my vehicle? And repeat each year? Or must I apply for either a Visitante card or Temporary Resident card to keep my vehicle in Mexico? Thanks

    103. February 1, 2013

      Roger, if your FM3 expires and you don´t have the temporary resident visa, the penalty will be that you will lose your deposit. About the “visitante” visa, at Banjercito they don´t know yet if that visa will apply to import a vehicle or not, since it is part of the new laws. According to the information provided by them, you should apply for a temporary resident visa to keep the vehicle legal in Mexico.

    104. Alison
      February 7, 2013

      Hi, I am considering relocating permanently to Mexico. I am a US citizen and do not have a passport. What would be required of me to move to Mexico, bring all of my belongings, including my dog and one car and my 4 year old son…with his father’s written permission. I do want to work in Mexico. I would like to maybe teach English. I am currently studying to become a drug and alcohol counselor. I do not speak Spanish fluently yet, but am taking lessons. I believe I am exempt from having to obtain a visa for entry due to being s US citizen entering from the US. But will I be allowed to just rent a place and bring my things? I do not plan to return to the US ever. I have no family ties here any longer so not having a passport for reentry to the US does not concern me at all. I would like to eventually be able to have my son and myself become Mexican citizens. Please advise with as much info as possible. I am very confused about how this works or who to get the answers from. I don’t want to be at the border with my things and sitting there looking stupid because I messed something up. Thanks so much!!

    105. February 15, 2013

      Alison, first of all, you need to get a passport. After you have it, you´d have to go to a Mexican consulate and request for the visa of your preference. This visa will be good for 180 days and once you enter Mexico you have 30 days to exchange this visa for the resident card. You will need a temporary resident visa to bring your belongings duty-free; however you can rent a place on just a visitor visa. The visitor visa is only good for 180 days; temporary resident visas are good for 1, 2, 3 or 4 years. We’ll be publishing soon here in our website an Immigration Guide with full details, so you can read and decide which is your best visa option.

    106. Robb
      February 20, 2013

      Hi. My wife and I really appreciate your advice. We’re currently living full time in Mexico, having retired here 4 years ago. We obtained our FM3s last March. We don’t own property here, other than a golf cart. As I understand it, we can now apply for a Temporary Resident card that will replace our FM3s? I’ve been told there’s a long application backlog and to expect it to take 3 months or longer to get through the process. If we want to travel back to the US for a visit in the interim, what are our options? Also, would it make sense to just obtain 180 day tourist visas since we travel back to the States several times a year? Thank you.

    107. February 22, 2013

      Robb, if you have had already 4 years with FM3 you must request the permanent resident visa now. The process is taking between 2 and 3 months to be completed; if you want to travel to the US, you can request an exit permit which is good for 60 days; before those 60 days end you must come back to Mexico. If you spend less than 180 days in Mexico, then tourist visas are fine, as long as you don´t have a foreign license plated vehicle in Mexico or social security or legal representation of a corportion or anything for which you need the temporary/permanent visas for.

    108. Susan
      February 22, 2013

      We are in MX 5 months and, until this year, have been on an FM3. We were automatically put into the new permanente status. Our reading of the new law as it pertains to cars is that non-Mexicans on a permanente visa can NOT get a temporary permit for a car from the US. You must legally import the car at a pretty hefty cost. Anybody have experience with this?

    109. Susan
      February 22, 2013

      I have another question about the car business. One way we could get our car back in would be for me to revoke my permanente status and simply travel on a tourist visa. Has anyone ever tried this?

    110. Marillyn Britton
      March 1, 2013

      Any update on car status for permanent res? We had to change from FM3 in Nov—they gave us the perm res–when we asked about car they said it would be same—now it seems to be a mess —yesterday they told us Aduana hadn’t decided how they were going to approach it. We HAVE to have our car. We travel with our animals. Thanks for update. Marilyn

    111. Marillyn Britton
      March 1, 2013

      I went to Progreso today. No way we can have a car with residencia permanente. Went to Merida immigration—talked to the main guy, told him that we were incorrectly informed of the new regulations but of course, there is no retreating. I asked him too about the 60 day limit for leaving country—he laughed and said that wasn’t true. I get so frustrated — I can deal with the truth from the beginning, but getting half truths or denials is incredibly frustrating. Before I left I askd one of the women to extend the message that R. P. would not allow foreign cars, she became very defensive and said it wasn’t the job of Immigration to give people rules of aduana. Sad since up to now they were certainly entertwined. BUYER BEWARE.

      Question: IS THE 60 DAY LIMITATION REAL????

      thanks to anyone. Marilyn

    112. Nicole
      March 1, 2013

      Hello, again. Can you tell me if there has, by now, been any clarification of (a) who can apply for a permanent residency visa (specifically, and someone who has never had any kind of residency visa apply) and (b) how such an applicant can prove financial eligibility? (I am interested in establishing eligibility with a minimum average BANK BALANCE, rather than with income.)

      Thanks, again.

    113. March 5, 2013

      Marilyn, we have not heard about a 60 day limitation.

    114. March 6, 2013

      Nicole, yes you can apply for a permanent resident visa, even if you have not had any kind of residency in Mexico before. You should show a monthly bank balance of approximately 125,000 USD in your last 12 account statements.

    115. Jo Ana
      March 6, 2013


      Is the monthly income requirement for permanent residency without prior residency still $2000. per month?

    116. March 8, 2013

      Jo Ana, it is 2,500 USD monthly.

    117. Sandie Campbell
      March 10, 2013

      We have had our FM3 since November 2005 and are trying to obtaine perminent residence status. The immigration office here in Manzanillo is telling us that since we have had our Fm3 for 9 years we have to Waite 1 more year to obtaine the permanent status. They are saying we are in the second phase of our FM 3 so the first 5 years don’t count???? I understand things are done differently here in Mexico but this is just out there. Any suggestions

    118. Hannah
      March 12, 2013

      I am in the process of getting a work permit – I already have an FM3 and I have a job here. What will I need in order to renew my visa? How much should it cost?
      Also my current employer is the one who is signing all the forms for my work permit – if I was to change jobs and work for someone else, would my work permit still be valid or would I need to apply for a new one with my new employer signing the forms?

      Any help is much appreciated.

    119. Faith
      March 13, 2013

      My husband and I are interested in applying for temporary resident visas. We have a joint account with the required amount of income coming each month to cover us both but it is mostly from my husband’s pension as I am not old enough yet for mine. I only receive one small pension. What can we do because we have to apply separately?

    120. Carol
      March 18, 2013

      I’ve lived continuously in Mexico for 13 years under both FM3 and FM2 visas. I have a copy of the aduana law that allowed me to legally have my foreign-plated car covered under the visas. In Oct. 2012 I was granted my Inmigrado permanent resident card (before the new reform took effect). Q&A’s on your blog lead me to believe my car may now be illegal? How can I find out?

    121. March 19, 2013

      Sandie, at least here in Yucatan, INM officers are granting the permanent resident visa after 4 years with FM3, FM2 or a combination of the two. We don´t know if in other states they are applying other criteria and unfortunately we cannot help you from here.

    122. March 19, 2013

      Hannah, a work permit is valid for one specific job, is not good for any job you work in. In order to renew your visa with the work permit you need that your employer files a “Constancia de Inscripción de Empleador” at the Immigration Office and also that he provides you with a letter stating the activities you will perform, durantion, address and the amount of your salary. The cost of the visa will depend on how many years the employer needs you working for him. For more information you may contact us by e-mail: info@yucatanyes.com or you can download our Immigration Guide 2013, in the “Knowledge store” section of our website.

    123. March 19, 2013

      Faith, if in the joint account statements appear both of your names, you can apply with that. Minimum monthly income to show for both is 4,000 USD.

    124. John
      March 25, 2013

      When bringing a pet, or more specifically a 13 year old dog, what are the requirements ? We consulted the Mexican consulate here but they had no clue how to help us and only gave us a general link to a livestock and agriculture trade site of the government…

    125. March 27, 2013

      Carol, if you have a permanent resident visa, you are not allowed to have a temporary imported vehicle in Mexico. You can consult with Banjercito (969) 935 2657 or Customs (969) 934 30 84.

    126. March 27, 2013

      John, please read our article on the subject and the comments left by other expats who have successfully brought their dogs to Mexico: https://www.yucatanexpatriateservices.com/resident-services/importing-pets-into-mexico.html. For additional questions, you can contact us at info@yucatanyes.com

    127. Steve
      March 27, 2013

      I’m retired to Mexico now for 5 months and am going to Chicago in late April to apply for a No Migrante/Temporary Residency visa.

      Every time I read up on this anywhere, I get more confused. Yucalandia and other sites are all about renewing existing residencies, and have nothing I can find on income requirements for NEW applicants that says anything specific, not that I can find.

      You have contradictions here. In YOUR text at the top, you write “Permanent Resident Visa (Visa de residente permanente)
      This visa will be issued to a non-Mexican who intends to enter the country in order to reside indefinitely. The applicant must demonstrate one of the following situations:

      Retirement status, with sufficient monthly income to cover living expenses during their stay in Mexico. Currently, “sufficient monthly income” is 250 times the minimum salary in Mexico city for FM3 and 400 times the minimum salary for FM2. (The minimum daily salary at this writing is $62.33 pesos. That would make the minimums for visas $15,582.50 pesos and $24,932.00 pesos ($1215.35 USD and $1944.61 USD at $12.82 pesos to the USD).)”

      Then in a response to Nicole it says this for income: “Here in Merida you´d have to take your passport, your last 6 bank account statements in your name showing income in each of at least 2,000 USD or…”

      Which IS it for a temporary residency – $2,000 US a month or 15,582.50 pesos?

      I have income of $1735 US, so do I qualify or not? I’ve been looking for a LONG time, and still can’t tell.


    128. March 28, 2013

      Steve, when we published this article, the guidelines that now establish what the minimum incomes are for the new visas had not been published yet, that is why we wrote what the “current” income requirements were at that time (where there still were FM3´s and FM2´s) . The minimum income requirement for the temporary resident visa is 400 times the minimum wage, which in 2013 is 64.76 for a total of 25,904 pesos (or approximately 2,000 USD) in your last 6 bank account statements. If you would like to have more information you could also download our Immigration Guide 2013, which you can find in the following link: https://www.yucatanexpatriateservices.com/category/expatriate-guides

    129. Marillyn Britton
      March 28, 2013

      TO STEVE:
      I’ve been trying to find the link to the Chicago Coun which would give me the list of requirements to apply for a Temp. Res. card outside Mx. (I have to revoke the Perm Res card , get the temp card in order to keep my veh.) If you can, could you please send that link? Most appreciated.
      Good luck!

    130. Justin
      March 29, 2013

      I am not a retiree at the moment, I am still very young (35 years old) and employed. I want to quick my current job and reside in Mexico. Is the permanent residency visa only available for retiree who receives monthly pension income? I have a cash term deposit of more than $400,000 USD in a bank account for more than 2.5 years, Am I eligible for the permanent residency visa? or I can only apply for the temporary resident visa?

    131. April 1, 2013

      Justin, the permanent residency visa is for pensioners or non-Mexicans who can demonstrate income of at least 2,500 USD monthly in their last 6 bank account statements or a minimum balance of 125,000 USD in their savings/investments account statements during the last 12 months.

    132. Susans
      April 1, 2013

      Sale of property in Mexico. We have a house we have owned for 13 years. We are wondering about the capital gains laws as they relate to holding a Permanente; is there some relief in the percentage owned to the Mexican government at the time of sale? If both of us are on the feidecomissario but only one of us has a permanente, do we get the same ~ if any ~ relief or do we BOTH have to have a permanente?

    133. Steve
      April 1, 2013

      Maryllin –

      Sorry, I don’t have any link to provide you. I have only a phone number.

      I am disappointed in the huge increase in minimum income required. I was actually in Chicago the week before the increase, but things got snafu-ed and I wasn’t able to get there when the minimum was $1200 – and the new numbers hadn’t come out yet, so I had no way of knowing I was going to come up short after the new rules. I kick myself for not doing it, but I really had no opportunity then.

      Now I can only hope the peso goes to about 15.00 to the dollar. It is really a crime, too, because I actually have WAY more than I need to get by, and I am not living in cheap digs, either. I am contributing to the Mexican economy and am no drag on the country.

    134. April 3, 2013

      Susans, the holder of a permanent visa has exempt from capital gain tax his/her percentage of ownership, if he or she has means to prove (by means of utility’s receipt under his/her name and at the same address) that it is his/her home of residence. If the other beneficiary has no permanent residence, nor means to prove is her/his permanent address, will have to pay taxes.

    135. April 3, 2013

      Justin, a quick correction to our response on April 1st: yes, you have to be a pensioner in order to apply for the permanent resident visa under the minimum income requirement. Our apologies for the confusion.

    136. Justin
      April 4, 2013

      Thanks for the reply.I understand you have to be a pensioner in order to apply for the permanent resident visa via under the minimum income requirement. But how about via under investment or bank accounts with an average monthly balance equivalent to Us$125,000? Do you have to be a pensioner? Can I still apply for the up to 4 years temporary resident visa via under the minimum income requirement if I am not a pensioner? Also for financial proof, are e-statement printed from online banking accepted? (some bank accounts such as esavings only have e-statement)
      Also for the visa fee a bit confusing, in this forum above it said
      Up to one year: $3,130 pesos
      Up to 2 years: $4,690 pesos
      Up to 3 years: $5,940 pesos
      Up to 4 years: $7,040 pesos
      but according to the Mexican consulate website, it is $36 for both temporary and permanent resident visa. So which one is correct?

    137. April 8, 2013

      Justin, if you apply for the Permanent visa via investment or bank accounts with a minimum monthly balance of 125,000 USD, you need to prove INM authorities that you are a pensioner. In your case, you can apply for the 4 year temporary resident visa. Statements printed from online banking are accepted as long as your name is on them. The costs of visas per year are correct; the 36 USD amount is just for the visa that you get stamped to your passport at the Mexican Consulate.

    138. April 14, 2013

      I have a quick question. I am gathering my documents to apply in Orlando for a permanent residency visa. Do I need to include a tourist visa from my last trip? I had one for my trip to MX in October and no longer have it. Thanks for your help!

    139. April 17, 2013

      Jo, no you don´t.

    140. April 26, 2013

      Hi !

      Here is a copy of an email I just received from the Orlando Consulate’s office in response for an email request for an appointment for a Permanent Residency Visa appointment::

      This type of visa is for you if:
      · You are moving to Mexico to be there indefinitely
      · You don´t have a work authorization
      · Apply at this Consulate in person
      · Fill out the Application form
      · Valid passport in original and one photocopy of the pages containing personal information, photograph of bearer and expiration date/extensions
      · Valid US visa for multiple entries and one photocopy
      · Valid I-94 and/or I-20 or J-1 or I-797A Form in original and one photocopy
      · One photo passport size (size 1.5 x 1.3/4 inches), in color, no glasses
      · Original financial records (last twelve months of your bank statements in US Dollars, last twelve months of pay stubs, employment letter specifying your position and salary and the last twelve months of international credit card statements. Yearly social security statement and one copy. You can also submit official documents proving the ownership of a property/company/business) and one photocopy of them; letter notarized from your bank.
      · Payment or Consular fee $36.00USD

      These forms that are mentioned do not show up on the Consulate website/visa requirements. Any idea what these forms are? Also why would I need a extended visa to travel to Mexico before applying for a Permanent Residency visa? Has anyone run into either of these requirements and anyone know what the mentioned forms are for?

      Please let me know.
      Jo Ana

    141. Justin
      May 9, 2013

      I have just been issued the temporary resident visa at the local Mexican Consulate. I was told to exchange the visa for the temporary resident card at an INM office within 30 days of arrival i Mexico. On the visa, it just state ” Residencia Temporal”, it doesn’t indicate whether it is 1, 2, 3, or 4 years. Neither it indicate the category (eg, whether it is economic solvency, retirement, work permit, or family invitation etc). when I asked the consulate officer, she told me that is what she can do, the rest I have to sort it out in the INM when in Mexico. She also said my application and supporting documents would stay in the Consulate office, and the INM would not have my detail. She said she also not sure what documents I need to bring for exchanging the resident card. My questions now are: Do
      I have to bring all those financial supporting documents again to the INM? How INM decide whether my stay is 1, 2, 3, or 4 years?

    142. May 9, 2013

      Jo, the forms are provided to you at the Consulate. About the multiple entries visa you need to show, we are unaware of this requirement; each Consulate can request the documents they consider necessary and they may vary from Consulate to Consulate; unfortunately we do not deal with them directly, but with the Immigration offices within Mexico, that is why we do not know exactly what they mean with this requirement. We´d suggest you to contact them and ask them directly.

    143. May 9, 2013

      Justin, you don´t have to bring again your financial documents to the INM; regarding the number of years you´d like to have the temporary resident card, you just need to tell them in written for how many years you´d like to get it. If you need our assistance please contact us at info@yucatanyes.com

    144. May 9, 2013


      I did contact them and they said that those 2 forms are not required for US citizens.

    145. Justin
      May 19, 2013

      I have read some information in other website (which is update on March 2013), it says for exchanging the consular Residencia Temporal visa for the residente temporal card, you will be allowed to pay for only one year(3,130 ). At renewal time you will have the option to pay for multiple years. Is this information correct?That means I cannot pay 4 years at once?

    146. May 22, 2013

      Justin, yes you can apply for 1, 2, 3 or 4 years at the time you are exchanging the consular Residencia Temporal visa for the card.

    147. Anouk
      June 15, 2013


      Regarding the temporary resident visa (1-4 years), the mexican consulate in Canada web site says that:

      “Original and a photocopy of investment receipts or bank statements showing an average monthly balance of $99,730.00”

      Question is: does my home (half paid) in my home country counts as an investment?

      Thank you very much for answering peoples questions!

    148. June 20, 2013

      Hi Anouk, no, the consulate needs to see copies of investment receipts or bank statements with that average amount. If you had a property in Mexico that would work too.

    149. Anouk
      June 20, 2013

      Thanks for your answer. I have over $2000 net income per month, so I would qualify for the temporary residet visa. But what about my daughter? How much do we need for a dependent child? Thank you again, I really appreciate your help.

    150. June 21, 2013

      Anouk, you will need additional 500 USD income each month.

    151. Zor
      June 28, 2013

      Just regarding Justin’s q on May 22nd, what he says about only being able to pay for one year is correct, according to INM. When I was at the initial payment stage of Residente Temporal, the only option given was to pay for a year. On telling the INM Officer I wished to pay for four years, he said all applicants were now required to pay for one year and at the end of that period were then able to either pay for single or multiple temporal years or go permanente.

    152. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      July 1, 2013

      Zor, thank you for sharing your experience; however, at the Immigration office in Merida you can apply for 1, 2, 3 or 4 years from the beginning.

    153. Linn
      August 17, 2013

      Hello –

      I’m writing because I have gotten several different answers from individuals working at the immigration office in Mexico.

      I did work in Mexico.
      My FM2 will be expired in a few days.
      My new job offer fell through.
      But – some new jobs are interested in me – but – not interested in hiring for a few months.

      My man and I have been together forever.
      We decided to try to make it easy and get married.
      He is a Mexican citizen and I am from the US.

      We will get married in Belize.
      My visa will be expired for Mexico by the time we get married.
      Will there be a problem for me to get a visa to re-enter mexico once I show the Mexican consulate the marriage license?
      And – will I be able to work in Mexico once I am married without a special visa?
      Or do i need to request a special visa to work in Mexico?

      I also work mostly with a company in China.
      If I make under the $1800 usd per month is it alright if I am married to a Mexican citizen?
      I will accept a job in Mexico if it enables me to not fall under the $1800 usd per month rule.
      That amount is just a little high and I don’t clear that much or make that much per month.

      All of my talking to the Mexican consulate and showing my marriage license will take place in belize.
      Again – my visa expires in days.
      Will I be able to pay any fees for visa in belize?

    154. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      August 22, 2013

      Linn, if your visa expires while you are out of Mexico, you have a 55 day grace period to renew it after the expiration date (and once in Mexico, you need to do it within the next 5 days); since you don´t have a job offer now, you can renew your visa by family unit, showing your marriage certificate (with an apostille and in Spanish). Once the company is ready to hire you, you will need to request a work permit to Immigration.

    155. November 11, 2013

      I am on a fmm visa and I have started working for a company that said they will do my working visa. Do I need to leave the country or can I continue on the fmm and apply for the work permit? Also while this work permit is in processing can I leave the country?

    156. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      November 13, 2013

      Leah, yes you need to leave the country, because first the company requests the work permit for you to Immigration and once it is approved, you have to get the visa at a Mexican consulate abroad and then come to Mexico within the next 180 days to get the resident card with your work permit. While the work permit requested by the company is in process, yes you can leave the country.

    157. Bill & Veronica Howes
      February 13, 2014

      Hi Reading all these comments gives me a dreadful feeling. Being a pensioner from Canada and married to a Mexican citizen what are my income requirements ?

    158. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      February 15, 2014

      Bill, your income requirements for a temporary resident visa by being married to a Mexican citizen are approx. 520 USD monthly (for the last 6 months).

    159. Breezy
      March 1, 2014

      I have changed my name on my passport and now need to change my name on my Permanent Resident Card. There is not a place to do it on line…I can do other things but change my name it seems. Also, what is the cost, is it the same as gettng a new card? Thanks for your help.

    160. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      March 6, 2014

      Breezy, if you changed your name due to a change in your marital status, there´s the option online, it is called “cambio de estado civil”. You´d be paying for a reposition of your card, so the cost will be 1,040 pesos.

    161. Nancy
      April 6, 2014

      What are the requirements for a common law retired couple wanting temporary or permenant visa? Do we have to get temporary visa first?
      Thank you

    162. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      April 7, 2014

      Nancy, no, you don´t have to get the temporary resident visa first, you could apply directly for the permanent as long as you can prove you are both retired with a minimum monthly pension of 2,600 USD each (for the past 6 months) or savings accounts with a minimum balance of 126,000 USD each (for the last 12 months). If one is economic dependant of the other, just one wll need to show these financial requirements to obtain the permanent visa and the other will be able to get temporary visa just by proving the existence of a common law relationship. Please contact us if you need our assistance with the process: info@yucatanyes.com

    163. Marie Martin
      July 16, 2014

      Hi, I just received my six-month permanent resident visa. I understand I have to go to the immigration office in Merida where I will be residing effective August 1, to get apply for my permanent resident card. I have my two teen children ages 17 & 14 with me and they will be attending school and university on Merida. Should I just wait to get my permanent resident cArd and then apply for the children as permanent residents versus student visa. I would prefer to get them permanent visas if possible.

    164. Barry
      July 18, 2014

      If I own a residence in PV, do I still have to go through all the financial rules for temp residency (4 year)? A divorce left me without the financial position and not much else. Do I still have to have a $100,000.00 bank balance? My Canadian pension is only $1,600.00 per month.
      Can you just use tourist visas and leave every 180 days and return days later?

    165. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      July 21, 2014

      Marie, we think it will be better if you get permanent resident cards for your children; in order to do that, you´ll have to wait until your resident card is ready.

      If you need assistance to get your card and your children´s permanent status, please write us to info@yucatanyes.com; we´d be happy to help you!

    166. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      July 22, 2014

      Barry, if your property is worth approximately US$400,000 or more, you can use that instead of the financial information to apply for the temporary residency. Yes, you can use tourist visas and leave every 180 days and return days later or even the same day.

    167. Owen Bennett
      October 12, 2014


      My family and I are thinking about moving to Merida from the UK. I am the only earner in the family, which is myself, my wife, and two children (6 and 8). I know I have to have a certain income in order to get the temporary residents visa, but the amounts stated on the UK Mexican Consulate website are inconsistent. Could you let me know how much I would need to earn? Also, from what I understand, I will need to apply for the visa from the UK, is this correct?

    168. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      October 14, 2014

      Owen, you need to prove you hav e an income of 2,100 USD monthly for the last 6 months for yourself and additional 500 USD monthly for each member of your family. You need to apply for the visa at a Mexican Consulate, it doesn´t have to be the UK exactly, it can be at any Mexican Consulate.

    169. Nancy
      November 18, 2014

      We were told by our consulate in Vancouver that we can’t apply for a permenete that they only give out temporale permits. Also are there any travel restrictions with the permenente, i.e. how long you can be out of the country?


    170. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      November 20, 2014

      Nancy, we do not know why the Consulate in Vancouver is not giving permanent resident visas, each Consulate has its own regulations. There are no travel restrictions with the permanent residency.

    171. Kathleen
      December 10, 2014

      We were just notified by Migracion that we have to pay $5,000 pesos each to update our Inmigrado passports to the plastic cards???? Anyone heard of this? We were through with all of that years ago??
      Thanks, Kathleen

    172. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      December 16, 2014

      Kathleen, we went to the INM offices in Merida to ask about this and we were told the process you are referring to is called “reposición” and it costs 1,040 pesos per person.

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